Angel Flight Three One Victor

On July 15, 2001, I had the privilege of flying an Angel Flight to Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Angel Flight Central is an organization that links willing pilots with individuals in need of transportion for medical care. Through them I learned about Jake. Jake is a great little seven-year-old who needs a bone marrow transplant. He was lucky enough to find a bone marrow doner match through the University of Minnesota. (Ted, Jake's Dad, told me 70% of those in need of bone marrow transplants never find a match. The good Lord found 18 perfect matches for Jake! I think Someone is looking out for this little guy!) I volunteered to pick up Jake and his Dad the morning of the 15th and bring them to St. Paul.

The alarm sounded at 6:30 a.m., as expected, so I got up, checked the weather, then rousted Ariston, my eight-year-old son, out of bed. I thought it might be nice for Jake to have some company, and probably not a bad thing for A.J. to learn what it means to help others who need help. Since he's been learning about "The Golden Rule" through Royal Rangers, our church's scouting program, it seemed like a good way to help him see how you put that concept into action.

I had been out to the airport the night before to top off the Mooney's fuel tanks, check the oil and get my trusty friend ready for the next day's flight, so the morning pre-flight went quickly. A.J. and I climbed in, ran through the pre-start checklist and fired up Three One Victor. She was ready go! With the engine started, I picked up the mike and said, "Flying Cloud Tower, Angel Flight Three One Victor ready to taxi, IFR to Sioux Falls with information Yankee." Within seconds the tower called back "Angel Flight Three One Victor, cleared as filed to Sioux Falls..." along with the rest of our instrument flight clearance. We taxiied to runway Two-Seven Right, did our pre-flight runup and by 8:30 a.m. the wheels were tucked up and we were on our way. It was a beautiful, smooth flight all the way to Sioux Falls (FSD). A.J. got a little bored en route, at one point saying "I think the Mooney is getting slower, Dad...shouldn't we be there by now?" Kids! Even with vectors to give a Northwest flight room to sneak in ahead of us (Gee...I COULD fly that fast if they'd asked! Well...okay, maybe not QUITE that fast!) we touched down in a light crosswind about 9:50 a.m., right on schedule for our 10 a.m. meeting time. We were greeted by Christel Gollnick, Executive Director of Angel Flight who just happened to be in town on a family visit. She was delighted to get to see a mission in action, rather than just watching the paper move back and forth.

Ted had gotten up even earlier than us so he could make the four hour drive from his ranch in central South Dakota to meet up with his older son Steve, pick up Jake who had been in treatment in Sioux Falls, then meet us at the airport. We all linked up at Business Aviation, a long-time FBO in Sioux Falls. Jake and A.J. hit it off right away. A.J. presented Jake with a Guardian Angel Buddy Pack, a backpack stuffed with toys and other necessities provided by The Shadow Buddies Foundation. This is a kind group of folks who created the Shadow Buddies to provide comfort to people suffering from serious medical illness or traumatic family crisis. Despite all the bad things you read in the newspapers, this world has an awful lot of good folks running around!

After snapping a few pictures and completing the obligatory paperwork, we stuffed multiple bags into the trusty little Mooney. Jake will spend a minimum of three to four months at the University of Minnesota hospital receiving treatment, so some packing was definitely needed! With everything loaded, the boys were tucked in the back and Ted and I climbed into the front. Shortly after 10:30 a.m. we were taxiing for runway Two-One. Soon we were back in the air and headed towards Minneapolis. Ted couldn't get over the neat, square, evenly spaced fields that make up the beautiful quilt-work we know as rural Minnesota. The fields were lush green, and farmstead after farmstead passed quickly under our wings.

About ten minutes into the flight a little voice came over the intercom:


"Yes, Jake?"

"I love you," said the little voice.

"I love you, too, Jake."

At that moment I proved that, yes, you can fly an airplane with a little mist in your eyes.

As we flew along we heard over the intercom a steady stream of "Got any sevens? Go fish!" as the boys played card games to pass the time. The little Game Boy video game A.J. brought along got some exercise, as did the various toys provided in the Shadow Buddies Pack.

The pack of toys worked well, as the first "When will we get there" query arrived just as the DME ticked down five minutes remaining to Flying Cloud (FCM) airport! Soon the airport was below our left wing and a few minutes later we were back on the ground, taxiing toward the hangar. Ted helped me put the Mooney away while the boys continued to play like typical seven and eight-year-old boys do. With the plane secured, we loaded up my truck and headed for St. Paul where Ted and Jake will be staying. The boys continued to play like old pals as we drove the half-hour across town. Arriving at their hotel, Jake leaned over between the bucket seats and said "Thanks for bringing us here in your airplane!" as he wrapped his little arms around my neck and gave me big hug.

"Anytime, was MY pleasure."

And, indeed it was.

Getting ready to go: Steve, Ted, Jake, me and A.J.

Best Friends already: Jake and A.J.

Jake and A.J. playing "Go fish"

Toys from the Shadow Buddies pack provided creative entertainment!

Jake with his Guardian Angel Buddy

A.J., Jake and Ted along side Three One Victor after tucking her safely into her hangar